This is the official site for news about Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School in Montgomery, Alabama. Our K3-12 school is comprised of 4 campuses: St. Bede Campus and Holy Spirit Campus (K3-6), the Middle School Campus (7-8), and the High School Campus (9-12). Founded in 1873, Montgomery Catholic is the oldest continuously operating private school in the state of Alabama.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Marching Knights Receive Excellent Rating at Huntingdon Invitational!
The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Marching Knights competed at the Huntingdon Marching Invitational on the campus of Huntingdon College on Saturday, October 5. This was the third consecutive year the Marching Knights have participated in the Huntingdon Invitational. The Knights brought home four trophies from the competition. The Color Guard, Percussion, and Drum Major were each individually rated "Superior." The MCPS Band received an overall rating of "Excellent" from the panel of judges. The Marching Knights are led by Band Director, Alex Johnson; Assistant Band Director, Christina Banks; Color Guard Sponsors, Sarah Rech and D'Jara Britton; and Drum Major Kristina Vanella, an MCPS senior. Congratulations Marching Knights!