Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Montgomery Catholic's Middle School Competes at Regional Science Olympiad Competition in Auburn

The Montgomery Catholic Middle School Science Olympiad team placed fourth overall in the Regional competition held on March 9 at Auburn University and is expected to attend the State tournament. The team brought home the following awards: Third place in Write It, Do It - Erica Blackburn and Emily Talbot.
Fourth place in Air Trajectory - Ricky Treloar and Austin Collett and Road Scholar - Ricky Treloar and Emily Talbot. Fifth place in Bridge Building - Jonah Gier and Erica Blackburn; Elastic Launch Glider - Christian Friday and Jacob Holston. Sixth place in Bio Process Lab - Christian Friday and Jacob Holston; Crimebusters - Erica Blackburn and Emily Talbot; Can't Judge A Powder - Austin Collett and Lexie Becker; Crave the Wave - Clare Wilson and Lexie Becker; Dynamic Planet - Austin Collett and Christian Friday; Entomology - Jonah Gier and Jacob Holston. Seventh place in Bottle Rocket - Darian Riley and Jonah Gie r; Simple Machines - Katie Perkins and Ashley Hayes. Eighth place Anatomy - Clare Wilson; Disease Detectives - Ashley Hayes and Clare Wilson; Meteorology - Katie Perkins.

The Middle School Science Olympiad team is sponsored by Mrs. Vicki Petters and Mrs. Julie Flowers who would like to thank the chaperons for making the trip such a great success: Mr. Gier, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bartos and Mr. and Mrs. Collett.