This is the official site for news about Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School in Montgomery, Alabama. Our K3-12 school is comprised of 4 campuses: St. Bede Campus and Holy Spirit Campus (K3-6), the Middle School Campus (7-8), and the High School Campus (9-12). Founded in 1873, Montgomery Catholic is the oldest continuously operating private school in the state of Alabama.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Students Use Imaginations in Science
Montgomery Catholic fourth grade students in Miss Whitman's classes used their imaginations to give "extinct" animals a new life through the "Really Extinct" project. While discussing ecosystems and extinct animals, the students had to create their own extinct creature using recycled materials. The fourth graders also had to write paragraphs describing their creature's name, habitat, food sources, defense mechanisms, shelter, and how their animal became "extinct." The students let their imaginations run wild and then presented their animals to the class. Ethan Macchia created a "Smelly-pede" from the Hawaiian Islands. Sydney Downes created a "Chick-ma-Goose" from Hong Kong. Ricky Treloar created a "Deeraffus", which is a cross between a deer and a giraffe. Carson Binns created a "Red-eyed Glaw Gator" which uses its night vision to hunt its prey. Pictured with their "extinct creatures" Montgomery Catholic fourth graders Ethan Macchia, Ricky Treloar, Sydney Downes, and Carson, Binns.
Montgomery Catholic Nominates Three for Man of the Year
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Government Club recently nominated three outstanding leaders for the YMCA's 60th annual Man of the Year program. Among the nominees were Liz Sadie Sutton, Montgomery Catholic class of 1977, Steve Barranco, Montgomery Catholic class of 1985, and Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic. Chad DuBois, Hannah Masingill, and Megan Karst served as officers for the 2011 Man of the Year Committee. The members of the Montgomery Catholic nominating committee were Jarrett Mason, Maggie Starr, Hannah Barranco, Sydney Jarman, Lexie Wilkinson, and Sarah Talbot. Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Government Club members and their Man of the Year nominees Jarrett Mason, Liz Sutton, Sarah Talbot, Hannah Barranco, Steve Barranco, Lexie Wilkinson, Sydney Jarman, Anne Ceasar, and Maggie Starr.
Montgomery Catholic's Westendorf Chosen for National Soccer Team
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School student Jennifer Westendorf has been selected to the U.S. Under-15 Girls' National Soccer Team. Jennifer attended the training at The Home Depot Center in Carson, California, with 23 other young women from across the country. All of the players selected for the U-15 National Team are age-eligible for the 2012 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup. These young women will form the core of the team attempting to qualify next spring for the Women's World Cup in Azerbaijan next fall. Jennifer will play as a forward on the U-15 National Team.
Montgomery Catholic Raises Awareness at Jingle Bell Run
Many members of the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School family joined forces with the Arthritis Foundation to support the 2011 Jingle Bell Run held on the Huntingdon College campus. With 42 members, Montgomery Catholic's team raised $1,500 to support the fight against arthritis. Many of Montgomery Catholic's team members placed in their age groups including Corey Cotter taking 1st in his age group 15-19 and 2nd place overall, Alex Taylor taking 1st in his age group of 20-24 and 3rd overall, Jeff Jenkins with 2nd in his age group 20-24 and 4th overall, James Sadie was 1st in his age group 9-14, Katherine Terino was 1st in her age group 15-19, Joseph Sutton was 3rd in his age group 15-19, John Norris was 2nd in his age group 45-49, and Mackenzie Colvin was 2nd in her age group of 15-19. This was the fourth year Montgomery Catholic has participated in the Jingle Bell Run and look forward to next year's event. Montgomery Catholic's Jingle Bell Run team members were team captain Tracie Colvin, Ashley Barranco, Julie Barranco, Anne Ceasar , Hayes Colvin, Mackenzie Colvin, Corey Cotter, Rhonda Cotter, Hayden Ellis, Jeff Jenkins, Scott Johnston, Mary Kelley, Ken Klinger, Katrina Magdon, Monica McCain, Hunter Miller, Maureen Neighbors, John Norris, Doug Price, Lori Price, Stevie Price, Leslie Rider, James Sadie, John Sadie, Lisa Sadie, Josh Stark, Katelyn Stark, Sharon Stark, Joseph Sutton, Liz Sutton, Alex Taylor, Fran Taylor, John Terino, Katherine Terino, Lynda Thacker, Dennis Weber, Karen Weber, Julie Wood, Kirstin Wood, Barr Younker, Cappy Younker, and Emily Younker. Pictured: Members of Montgomery Catholic's Jingle Bell Run team pose with Santa Clause just before the event. photo by Mary Kelley.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Students Play for Capital City Juniors Volleyball Club
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School students are proud of their students who have been selected to play on several teams of the Capital City Junior (CCJ) Volleyball Club. On the CCJ 13 Black team are Kayanna McKenzie and Ansley Rohde. Emily Barranco will play on the CCJ 14 Black team. McKinlee Houghland, Jennifer Tyner, and Ashley Karst will play on the CCJ 15 Blue team. Abby Rohde was selected for the CCJ 17 Black team and Elizabeth Karst will play fon the CCJ 18 Black team.
The Capital City Juniors Volleyball Club provides the opportunity for highly motivated volleyball players to develop and enhance their skills through participation in a safe and enjoyable environment that encourages a health competitive spirit and atmosphere in which they train and flourish. Athletes learn the benefits of teamwork, self-discipline, personal responsibility, high standards and the joy of achievement. The CCJ has a total of 120 players among 12 teams for girls from 12 to 18 years.
The Capital City Juniors Volleyball Club provides the opportunity for highly motivated volleyball players to develop and enhance their skills through participation in a safe and enjoyable environment that encourages a health competitive spirit and atmosphere in which they train and flourish. Athletes learn the benefits of teamwork, self-discipline, personal responsibility, high standards and the joy of achievement. The CCJ has a total of 120 players among 12 teams for girls from 12 to 18 years.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Congratulations to our Middle School Honor Roll Students
Congratulations to our middle school students who achieved Honor Roll status for the first quarter. For "A" Honor Roll, they are Agnes Armstrong, Ivy Bach, Emily Barranco, Kathleen Beesley, David Bender, Lexie Bourgeois, Marissa Dogan, Claire Fischer, Lacy Herbek, Stephen Higgins, Gabe Keating, Audrey Kim, Brian Lee, Kayanna McKenzie, Nadine Moussalli, Patrick O’Mara, Andrew Reimann, and Zach VanAlst. The students who achieve "A/B" Honor Roll are Skye Alexander, Nia Averett, Julie Bae, Will Barranco, Tyler Barranco, Kenneth Bell, Neeley Boston, Adam Bristol, Briana Chevez, James Cleghorn, Trey Downes, Eryka Ellington, Madison Gaston, Abaigeal Gilbert, Haleigh Huggins, Blake Johnson, Devin Kelly, Anna Koerner, Mel Koontz, Emily Lafreniere, Katie Lawerence, Aubrey Lenn, Sarah Little, Morris Lottinger, Megan Matisak, Katie McDaniel, Morgan Micher, Zenia Mims, Sarah Peek, Samantha Richburg, Ethan Ronan, James Sadie, Madison Searcy, Katie Smith, Lauren Smith, Nate Smith, Mary Reagan Starrett, Jordan Steele, Megan Stembridge, Logan Stevens, Iyana Tate, Beth Vaughn, Hugh Walker, and Jennifer Westendorf.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Student Artwork Wins at Alabama National Fair
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School student artwork won numerous awards at the 2011 Alabama National Fair. Migyn Kim won first place in Watercolor and the overall winner for her artwork. David Babb won second place in Watercolor. Audrey Kim won Division I for 7th - 9th grades in Opaque and Watercolor. Jinah Kim won third place in Pastels. Meredith Kocan won first place in Pastels. Olivia Nobles won first place in Acrylics. Madison Roberts won second place in Acrylics. Abby Rohde won second place in Pastels and third place in Acrylics. and Beth Wyatt won third place for her Printing work. Montgomery Catholic's middle and high school Art instructor is Ms. Joane Grant.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Art students display their award winning artwork in the middle/high school studio.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Art students display their award winning artwork in the middle/high school studio.
Montgomery Catholic Student Learn Spanish Traditions for All Saints & All Souls Days
Spanish I and Middle School exploratory classes at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently studied the history and Catholic significance of the Dia de Todos los Santos (All Saints Day) and Dia de los Muertos (All Souls Day). Students made projects depicting typical decorations used during this celebration in Mexico, such as Papel Picado (ornately cut paper), Calaveras (skulls), Mojigangas (Large papier-mâché dolls/masks), and Barilletes (large ornately decorated kites). Students chose the project they wanted to complete. Students decorated Mrs. Santana’s classroom with their projects and spent November 1st and 2nd talking about the history of the celebration, its origins and significance, as well as typical customs and celebrations that go along with the day. The middle school students got first-hand information from Mrs. Adalia Lozano who is a native of Monterrey, Mexico. Mrs. Lozano told the students how the holiday is celebrated in Mexico and how she celebrates it now in the United States.
Pictured: Middle school students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School display their Spanish inspired artwork during their Spanish Exploratory class for All Saints and All Souls Day.
Pictured: Middle school students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School display their Spanish inspired artwork during their Spanish Exploratory class for All Saints and All Souls Day.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
St. Bede Science Olympiad Team Wins 1st Place at University of West Alabama
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Elementary Science Olympiad (ESO) Team at St. Bede won first place at the Science Olympiad Competition held on the campus of the University of West Alabama (UWA). There were eight teams representing 12 schools from around the state at this year’s competition. Montgomery Catholic’s team won first place overall, as well as first place in the Pasta Mobile and the Water Rockets divisions. The water rocket distance was a record breaker at 11.25 feet!
Participation in Science Olympiads has been directly related to increased interest and achievement in science and math. Events in the ESO relate directly to National Science Education Content Standards and to Alabama Content Standards for Science.
Science Olympiad is a national nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. Science Olympiad is also designed to encourage classroom teachers to explore new and challenging ways of teaching science.
Broken into three main divisions, Science Olympiad caters to students of all ages. Division A encompasses students from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Through a series of hands-on events, young students gain valuable experiences that encourage further exploration into the world of science. The Elementary Science Olympiad offers a unique opportunity for students to test their creative and cooperative skills, interact with other motivated students, and expand their minds with science. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, and having fun.
Montgomery Catholic’s Elementary Science Olympiad team members are Annie Bach, Anna Catherine Barranco, Carrie Belsterling, Lita Blackburn, Mary Katherine Brunson, Jessie Clark, Luke Craig, Wes Domsalla , Jacob Flowers, Katie Fischer, Jonah Gier, Anna Mary Gilbert, Sieanna Grogan-Albaugh, Reagan Herbek, Ryne Herbek, Grace Leslie, Maddie Losik, Ethan Macchia, Alex O'Donnell, Henry Petters, Demetrios Philippou, Kyriacos Philippou, Zoe Rutland, Annabel Starrett, and Hunter Vaccaro.
Participation in Science Olympiads has been directly related to increased interest and achievement in science and math. Events in the ESO relate directly to National Science Education Content Standards and to Alabama Content Standards for Science.
Science Olympiad is a national nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. Science Olympiad is also designed to encourage classroom teachers to explore new and challenging ways of teaching science.
Broken into three main divisions, Science Olympiad caters to students of all ages. Division A encompasses students from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Through a series of hands-on events, young students gain valuable experiences that encourage further exploration into the world of science. The Elementary Science Olympiad offers a unique opportunity for students to test their creative and cooperative skills, interact with other motivated students, and expand their minds with science. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, and having fun.
Montgomery Catholic’s Elementary Science Olympiad team members are Annie Bach, Anna Catherine Barranco, Carrie Belsterling, Lita Blackburn, Mary Katherine Brunson, Jessie Clark, Luke Craig, Wes Domsalla , Jacob Flowers, Katie Fischer, Jonah Gier, Anna Mary Gilbert, Sieanna Grogan-Albaugh, Reagan Herbek, Ryne Herbek, Grace Leslie, Maddie Losik, Ethan Macchia, Alex O'Donnell, Henry Petters, Demetrios Philippou, Kyriacos Philippou, Zoe Rutland, Annabel Starrett, and Hunter Vaccaro.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Pee Wee Football Team Wins Jamboree
The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Pee Wee football team, consisting of fifth and sixth grade students, won the Lowndes Academy Jamboree Bowl by defeating the Hooper Academy Colts 7-0 in the first game, then defeating the Lowndes Academy Rebels 14-6 in the championship game. Coaches Pat McGinn, Matt Binns, John Wyatt, and Scott Godwin led the Knights in their first-ever youth football season. The Termite team, consisting of second through fourth grade students, also participated in the Lowndes Academy Jamboree and brought home the third place trophy for their age group. The Termite team was coached by Bruce Johnson.
After its inaugural season, the Pee Wee and Termite teams hope to build on the success of this year next season. The Termite team members were John McLennan, Dean Johnson, Grant Smith, Austin Cleghorn, Jason Flowers, Hollis Johnson, James Saliba, Chas Allen, Ethan Binns, Shawn Sponsler, Sean Moore, Will Driver, Dixon Peak, and Harrison Downes. The Pee Wee team members were Carson Binns, Luke Whetstone, Drew Smith, Cameron Huggins, William Furey, John Kitchens, Gabe Boles, Mathew Klinger, Donavahn Wyatt, Clint Williams, Daniel Reeves, Braxton Rogers, William Hooper, Mathew Taylor, Trey Wilkinson, Kamryn Jackson, Cary Dean, Thomas McLaughlin, Luke Craig, Carter Beesley, Evan Miles, Stevie Price, Dylon Godwin, Austin Vickery, Nicholas Brown, and Garrett McGinn.
After its inaugural season, the Pee Wee and Termite teams hope to build on the success of this year next season. The Termite team members were John McLennan, Dean Johnson, Grant Smith, Austin Cleghorn, Jason Flowers, Hollis Johnson, James Saliba, Chas Allen, Ethan Binns, Shawn Sponsler, Sean Moore, Will Driver, Dixon Peak, and Harrison Downes. The Pee Wee team members were Carson Binns, Luke Whetstone, Drew Smith, Cameron Huggins, William Furey, John Kitchens, Gabe Boles, Mathew Klinger, Donavahn Wyatt, Clint Williams, Daniel Reeves, Braxton Rogers, William Hooper, Mathew Taylor, Trey Wilkinson, Kamryn Jackson, Cary Dean, Thomas McLaughlin, Luke Craig, Carter Beesley, Evan Miles, Stevie Price, Dylon Godwin, Austin Vickery, Nicholas Brown, and Garrett McGinn.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Students Celebrate 9th Annual Worldwide Eucharistic Holy Hour with Mass and Adoration
On the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary on First Friday, October 7th - 2011. over one million Catholic school Children from around the world, including the three campuses of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, came before the Most Blessed Sacrament.
“We were united with all the children of the world, along with those gathered at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.,” said Deacon Jim Labadie, who teaches at the high school campus. “Having Adoration brought an added dimension to our weekly school Mass, reminding us that no matter where we are, in or outside of Mass, Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist,” commented junior David Norris. The Chapel at Montgomery Catholic’s Middle/High School Campus, and St. Bede’s Church, St. Bede Campus, were used for the event, which also included a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
All 797 students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the day dedicated to praying for a deepened awareness of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and a reawakening of the vocation of Marriage and the family. “The fact is we are suffering from a crisis of vocation across the board, marriage, priesthood and religious life. Going before the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament makes us aware of His presence in the midst of our circumstances. Being in His presence provokes an experience that helps us rediscover our desire for the infinite, the living God who makes Himself known in the face of Jesus Christ,” said Tom Riello, religion teacher.
“I have been exposed to Adoration quite a bit in Montgomery with the various parishes offering the opportunity to adore the Lord. To have that same opportunity offered where I go to school is amazing, it is special. What we do at Montgomery Catholic is related to what is done in our parishes,” remarked sophomore Andrea Hayes.
Pictured: The Eucharistic procession at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Middle/High School Campus.
“We were united with all the children of the world, along with those gathered at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.,” said Deacon Jim Labadie, who teaches at the high school campus. “Having Adoration brought an added dimension to our weekly school Mass, reminding us that no matter where we are, in or outside of Mass, Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist,” commented junior David Norris. The Chapel at Montgomery Catholic’s Middle/High School Campus, and St. Bede’s Church, St. Bede Campus, were used for the event, which also included a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
All 797 students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the day dedicated to praying for a deepened awareness of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and a reawakening of the vocation of Marriage and the family. “The fact is we are suffering from a crisis of vocation across the board, marriage, priesthood and religious life. Going before the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament makes us aware of His presence in the midst of our circumstances. Being in His presence provokes an experience that helps us rediscover our desire for the infinite, the living God who makes Himself known in the face of Jesus Christ,” said Tom Riello, religion teacher.
“I have been exposed to Adoration quite a bit in Montgomery with the various parishes offering the opportunity to adore the Lord. To have that same opportunity offered where I go to school is amazing, it is special. What we do at Montgomery Catholic is related to what is done in our parishes,” remarked sophomore Andrea Hayes.
Pictured: The Eucharistic procession at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Middle/High School Campus.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Places 3rd in University of Alabama Math Tournament
Eleven students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the 30th annual University of Alabama Math Tournament in Tuscaloosa on October 1, 2011. Led by team high scorers Brian Lee and Zach Hulcher, the team placed 3rd in their division and was the highest scoring team from central Alabama.
The tournament included a team round of twelve challenge problems and an individual round of 50 questions from the high school mathematics curriculum through pre-calculus. The Montgomery Catholic team earned their final placement with a strong performance on the challenge problems. The current team of mostly sophomore and juniors is looking forward to next year when more members will have actually taken pre-calculus.
Twelve schools participated in the tournament this year. Tournament Coordinator Dr. Jim Gleason says, “We are excited about having Montgomery Catholic come again this year. It has been good to see the students and faculty becoming more involved in the mathematics community in Alabama. “
The tournament included a team round of twelve challenge problems and an individual round of 50 questions from the high school mathematics curriculum through pre-calculus. The Montgomery Catholic team earned their final placement with a strong performance on the challenge problems. The current team of mostly sophomore and juniors is looking forward to next year when more members will have actually taken pre-calculus.
Twelve schools participated in the tournament this year. Tournament Coordinator Dr. Jim Gleason says, “We are excited about having Montgomery Catholic come again this year. It has been good to see the students and faculty becoming more involved in the mathematics community in Alabama. “
Monday, October 17, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2011 Homecoming Queen & King
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently crowned their 2011 Homecoming Queen and King during the half-time ceremonies of the varsity football game as the Knights hosted Excel High School. Miss Hailey Loria was crowned by the 2010 Homecoming Queen Mary Allison Tyner. Hailey is the daughter of Tony and Angela Loria. Mr. Miller Clemmons was named Homecoming King and presented a scepter by 2010 Homecoming King Jake Clark. Miller is the son of Greg Clemmons and Susan Ryan.
The Freshman Attendant was Jennifer Tyner. Jennifer is the daughter of Russ and Kathy Tyner. Jennifer was escorted by Gaten Armstrong. Gaten is the son of Brett Armstrong and Joanie Armstrong. The Sophomore Attendent was Anna McCracken. Anna is the daughter of Chris and Stephanie McCracken. Anna was escorted by Michael Moussalli. Michael is the son of Drs. Samir and Cinzia Moussalli. The Junior Attendent was Katie Lafreniere. Katie is the daughter of Steve and Kelly Lafreniere. Katie was escorted by Will Littleton. Will is the son of Rick Littleton and Marty Littleton.
The Senior Attendent was Evan LaBarge. Evan is the daughter of Al and Patsy LaBarge. Evan was escorted by Aidan Gilbert. Aidan is the son of Cam and Tiger Gilbert. The Senior Attendant was Alex Valdez. Alex is the daughter of Michael and Julie Valdez. Alex was escorted by Cameron Powell. Cameron is the son of Patrick Howard and Miriam Powell.
Montgomery Catholic students celebrated Homecoming Week with a host of daily activities building up to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 8 held at the St. Bede Family Life Center.
The Freshman Attendant was Jennifer Tyner. Jennifer is the daughter of Russ and Kathy Tyner. Jennifer was escorted by Gaten Armstrong. Gaten is the son of Brett Armstrong and Joanie Armstrong. The Sophomore Attendent was Anna McCracken. Anna is the daughter of Chris and Stephanie McCracken. Anna was escorted by Michael Moussalli. Michael is the son of Drs. Samir and Cinzia Moussalli. The Junior Attendent was Katie Lafreniere. Katie is the daughter of Steve and Kelly Lafreniere. Katie was escorted by Will Littleton. Will is the son of Rick Littleton and Marty Littleton.
The Senior Attendent was Evan LaBarge. Evan is the daughter of Al and Patsy LaBarge. Evan was escorted by Aidan Gilbert. Aidan is the son of Cam and Tiger Gilbert. The Senior Attendant was Alex Valdez. Alex is the daughter of Michael and Julie Valdez. Alex was escorted by Cameron Powell. Cameron is the son of Patrick Howard and Miriam Powell.
Montgomery Catholic students celebrated Homecoming Week with a host of daily activities building up to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 8 held at the St. Bede Family Life Center.
Montgomery Catholic Kindergarten Students Enjoy the Works of Eric Carle
The Kindergarten classes at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently completed their author study of Eric Carle. Each student took home a very hungry caterpillar which he or she planted using knee high hose, potting soil, grass seeds, rubber bands and wiggly eyes. Students in Mrs. Redden's class pose with their "Very Hungry Caterpillars".
Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!
Students in Mrs. Burden's first grade class at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday by enjoying delicious apple turnovers in the courtyard.
Montgomery Catholic's BEST Team Presents at ASQ Meeting
Members of the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School BEST Robotics Team made the Keynote presentation at the September meeting of the Montgomery section of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). ASQ is a leading global organization supporting quality concepts, technology, and manufacturing. The Montgomery Catholic team spoke of their involvement in the BEST 2010 Total Recall robotics competition. The BEST (Boosting Science, Engineering, and Technology) 2010 competition featured two simulated factory production lines packaging “gizmos” and “gadgets.” Teams had to design and build a robot in six weeks that could package quality products while recognizing defective products.
Led by the team’s Director of Spirit and Sportsmanship, junior Chad DuBois, the team gave the ASQ members an overview of the BEST robotics competition and the development of the team’s robot, dubbed RoboKnight 1.0. The team’s Director of Engineering (sophomore Nick Niel), Director of Programming (sophomore Will Brunson), and Head Writer (junior Giselle Simms) provided amplifying details throughout the presentation and the question period that followed.
ASQ section Chair Jeff Bresee said of the team, “I was thrilled with the presentation given by the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s BEST Team for our September ASQ meeting. The presentation was very thorough and professionally done.” ASW Treasurer Donna Profio added, “We were really impressed by what they managed to accomplish in only 42 days.” Nick Niel summarized the student experience by saying, “It was challenging being questioned by people who really know about quality and engineering, but the ASQ members treated us like colleagues.”
Led by the team’s Director of Spirit and Sportsmanship, junior Chad DuBois, the team gave the ASQ members an overview of the BEST robotics competition and the development of the team’s robot, dubbed RoboKnight 1.0. The team’s Director of Engineering (sophomore Nick Niel), Director of Programming (sophomore Will Brunson), and Head Writer (junior Giselle Simms) provided amplifying details throughout the presentation and the question period that followed.
ASQ section Chair Jeff Bresee said of the team, “I was thrilled with the presentation given by the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s BEST Team for our September ASQ meeting. The presentation was very thorough and professionally done.” ASW Treasurer Donna Profio added, “We were really impressed by what they managed to accomplish in only 42 days.” Nick Niel summarized the student experience by saying, “It was challenging being questioned by people who really know about quality and engineering, but the ASQ members treated us like colleagues.”
Emily McLaughlin '08 Named Homecoming Queen at the University of Alabama
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School class of 2008 alumnae Emily McLaughlin was named the Homecoming Queen at the University of Alabama. Among the many organizations in which Emily is an active member, she currently serves as the president of the Alpha Zeta chapter of Phi Mu Fraternity. Emily is a senior majoring in Nursing. Emily is the daughter of Dr. Jim and Kayla McLaughlin. Photo above Governor Robert Bentley and 2010 UA Queen Shellie Street crown Emily during the halftime festivities. Emily is escorted by her father, Dr. Jim McLaughlin. Photo taken by Jeffery B. Hanson, University Relations Photography, University of Alabama.

Thursday, October 06, 2011
Five Montgomery Catholic Students Named Advanced Placement Scholars
Five students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition for their exceptional achievement on AP Exams.
The College Board's Advanced Placement Program (AP) provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams. About 18 percent of the nearly 1.7 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award.
John Preston Houston earned the title of AP Scholar with Distinction by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and a score of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Elizabeth Terino earned the title of AP Scholar with Honor by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken and grades 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Three students earned the title of AP Scholar by completing three or more AP Exams with grades of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are Kayleigh Pears, Ben Petters, and John Talbot.
Through more than 30 different college-level courses and exams, AP provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement and stand out in the college admissions process. Over 90 percent of four-year colleges in the United States provide credit and/or placement for qualifying exam grades. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a 3 or higher on AP Exams typically experience greater academic success in college and high graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP courses. Congratulations to our AP Scholars!
The College Board's Advanced Placement Program (AP) provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP Exams. About 18 percent of the nearly 1.7 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award.
John Preston Houston earned the title of AP Scholar with Distinction by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and a score of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Elizabeth Terino earned the title of AP Scholar with Honor by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken and grades 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Three students earned the title of AP Scholar by completing three or more AP Exams with grades of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are Kayleigh Pears, Ben Petters, and John Talbot.
Through more than 30 different college-level courses and exams, AP provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement and stand out in the college admissions process. Over 90 percent of four-year colleges in the United States provide credit and/or placement for qualifying exam grades. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a 3 or higher on AP Exams typically experience greater academic success in college and high graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP courses. Congratulations to our AP Scholars!
Montgomery Catholic Students Qualify for Duke 7th grade Talent Search Program
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is proud to announce 15 students who have qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program.
The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) identifies 7th graders in sixteen states in the Southeast, Midwest and Southwest who have scored at the 95th percentile or above on a grade-level achievement test. These students are invited to participate in the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search and take either the SAT or the ACT.
Montgomery Catholic students who have qualified for the Duke TIP program are Skye Alexander, Ivy Bach, David Bender, Adam Bristol, Briana Chavez, Madison Gaston, Joey Kennedy, Audrey Kim, Morris Lottinger IV, Liam McGuire, Michael O’Connor, Andrew Reimann, James Sadie, Emily Tolar, and Zachary VanAlst.
The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) identifies 7th graders in sixteen states in the Southeast, Midwest and Southwest who have scored at the 95th percentile or above on a grade-level achievement test. These students are invited to participate in the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search and take either the SAT or the ACT.
Montgomery Catholic students who have qualified for the Duke TIP program are Skye Alexander, Ivy Bach, David Bender, Adam Bristol, Briana Chavez, Madison Gaston, Joey Kennedy, Audrey Kim, Morris Lottinger IV, Liam McGuire, Michael O’Connor, Andrew Reimann, James Sadie, Emily Tolar, and Zachary VanAlst.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
MCPS Band Receives Superior Ratings at Marching Competition
The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Marching Knights competed at the Huntingdon Marching Invitational on the campus of Huntingdon College on Saturday, October 1. This was the first time in the history of our school that MCPS has been represented at a marching band competition. The Color Guard was rated "Excellent," and the Winds, Percussion, and Drum Major were all individually rated "Superior." The Band received an overall rating of "Superior" from the panel of six judges, and Joseph Sutton was named Best-In-Class Drum Major, defeating Drum Majors from seven other schools. Congratulations Marching Knights!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Knight Runners Claim Crowns at Kudzu Hills Invitational
Montgomery Catholic juniors Katherine Terino and Jarrett Mason dominated their races at the Kudzu Hills Cross Country Invitational at Cold Springs High School in Bremen. The Meet features some of the best small school competition in Alabama on a challenging course marked by lots of hills.
In the girls race, Terino was one of the pre-race favorites along with Logan Ayres and Ayleana Mami from St. Bernard’s Prep, Cassi Still of host Cold Springs High School, Maaike Shelton of Pisgah, and 2010 runner-up, Rachel Stowe of Hatton. During the first half mile of the 5 km race, there was a lot of congestion in the front of the pack as a few of the girls attempted to control the pace. As the course widened, Still shot a gap between the top three runners and Terino went right with her. Finally able to run freely, Katherine accelerated down the hill leading to the one-mile mark and began building an insurmountable advantage. By the end of the race, Terino was almost a full minute ahead and broke the finish tape with fastest time ever run by a Lady Knight and the second fastest time ever run in the history of the race, 19:58.43.
Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin, like the rest of the girls’ team, ran her best race of the season to claim ninth in 22:34. Fellow classmate Tara Bourke finished in 57th in 29:21.74. Seventh grader Katie Lawrence, in only her second 5K race ever, was 54th in 28:08.14.
In the boys’ race, the Knights hoped to defend their team title from 2010. The primary challenge would be from 3-time 1A-2A state champion, Hatton, and host Cold Springs High. A fast race was expected since some of the best runners in the state were entered. Cold Spring High’s own Blake Clavert shot off the starting line and led the field in a fast opening pace. Racing Knights Jarrett Mason, Matt Pouncey, and Skip Martin followed in the lead pack. Close after them were sophomore Dylan Martin, freshman Tucker Wilkinson, and eighth grader Patrick Gregorius. In the next group were seventh graders Josh Davis, James Sadie, and Sullivan Fralish.
At the mile mark, junior Jarrett Mason stormed in to the lead and set a blistering pace. Pouncey and Martin responded by going with Mason’s surge. As the racers emerged from the kudzu, Jarrett had lengthened his lead to almost 30 seconds and Pouncey was in hot pursuit of runners from Cold Springs and Hatton. As they sped to the finish line, Mason crossed the line in 17:16.11 to claim first. Pouncey cruised in at 17:35.66 for fourth and Skip finished in 18:21.02 for sixth. The team scoring for the Knights was rounded out by Tucker Wilkinson’s new personal record of 19:20.44 for 23rd and Patrick Gregorius nailing down 39th in 20:29.18. Hatton won the meet with 49 points and Catholic had to settle for second with 63 points (low score wins in Cross Country).
Jarrett Mason’s time was the tenth fastest ever recorded in the history of the meet. It was also the fastest time ever run by a Knight on the course. Almost every Catholic runner ran their best time for the year. Both teams head to the Jesse Owens Invitational on the same course in Oakville that will host the State Meet in November.
In the girls race, Terino was one of the pre-race favorites along with Logan Ayres and Ayleana Mami from St. Bernard’s Prep, Cassi Still of host Cold Springs High School, Maaike Shelton of Pisgah, and 2010 runner-up, Rachel Stowe of Hatton. During the first half mile of the 5 km race, there was a lot of congestion in the front of the pack as a few of the girls attempted to control the pace. As the course widened, Still shot a gap between the top three runners and Terino went right with her. Finally able to run freely, Katherine accelerated down the hill leading to the one-mile mark and began building an insurmountable advantage. By the end of the race, Terino was almost a full minute ahead and broke the finish tape with fastest time ever run by a Lady Knight and the second fastest time ever run in the history of the race, 19:58.43.
Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin, like the rest of the girls’ team, ran her best race of the season to claim ninth in 22:34. Fellow classmate Tara Bourke finished in 57th in 29:21.74. Seventh grader Katie Lawrence, in only her second 5K race ever, was 54th in 28:08.14.
In the boys’ race, the Knights hoped to defend their team title from 2010. The primary challenge would be from 3-time 1A-2A state champion, Hatton, and host Cold Springs High. A fast race was expected since some of the best runners in the state were entered. Cold Spring High’s own Blake Clavert shot off the starting line and led the field in a fast opening pace. Racing Knights Jarrett Mason, Matt Pouncey, and Skip Martin followed in the lead pack. Close after them were sophomore Dylan Martin, freshman Tucker Wilkinson, and eighth grader Patrick Gregorius. In the next group were seventh graders Josh Davis, James Sadie, and Sullivan Fralish.
At the mile mark, junior Jarrett Mason stormed in to the lead and set a blistering pace. Pouncey and Martin responded by going with Mason’s surge. As the racers emerged from the kudzu, Jarrett had lengthened his lead to almost 30 seconds and Pouncey was in hot pursuit of runners from Cold Springs and Hatton. As they sped to the finish line, Mason crossed the line in 17:16.11 to claim first. Pouncey cruised in at 17:35.66 for fourth and Skip finished in 18:21.02 for sixth. The team scoring for the Knights was rounded out by Tucker Wilkinson’s new personal record of 19:20.44 for 23rd and Patrick Gregorius nailing down 39th in 20:29.18. Hatton won the meet with 49 points and Catholic had to settle for second with 63 points (low score wins in Cross Country).
Jarrett Mason’s time was the tenth fastest ever recorded in the history of the meet. It was also the fastest time ever run by a Knight on the course. Almost every Catholic runner ran their best time for the year. Both teams head to the Jesse Owens Invitational on the same course in Oakville that will host the State Meet in November.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Band Members Named to Montgomery Youth Orchestra
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Band members Will Brunson and Brian Lee were recently selected as the newest members of the Montgomery Youth Orchestra, which is sponsored by the Montgomery Symphony League. Musically talents students from all over the River Region auditioned for 80 seats in the youth orchestra. Will, a sophomore, plays the tuba while Brian, an eighth grade student, plays the clarinet. Both Will and Brian participate in the Montgomery Catholic Band program.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Catholic's Kevin Norris Named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School proudly announces Kevin Norris as a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. Kevin is the son of Larry and Stacey Norris of Montgomery. Kevin will have the opportunity to compete for some 8,300 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $34 million that will be offered next spring. Today officials of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 57th annual National Merit Scholarship Program.
To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. The preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test serves as an initial screening of program entrants. In addition to the test scores, the student's academic record, community involvement, leadership ability, and personal essay are considered when determining semifinalists. About 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and approximately half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the title of Merit Scholar.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic's National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist Kevin Norris.
To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. The preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test serves as an initial screening of program entrants. In addition to the test scores, the student's academic record, community involvement, leadership ability, and personal essay are considered when determining semifinalists. About 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and approximately half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the title of Merit Scholar.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic's National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist Kevin Norris.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Class of 2024 Enjoys First Annual "Cookies with Kindergarten"
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School hosted their first "Cookies with Kindergarten" for the class of 2024 just before school began. All kindergarten students were invited to enjoy cookies and juice while getting familiar with their new classroom before the first day of school. Mrs. Redden and Mrs. Wilson greeted the students as they entered, distributed nametags, and introduced the students to their new classmates.
The students were encouraged to explore the classroom, play in the interactive stations, climb into the reading lofts, and get familiar with the classroom computers. Parent anxieties about the first day of school were also eased as they met new friends and saw how excited the children were in their new setting.
Pictured: Kindergarten student Luke Shatzer enjoys getting familiar with the computer in Mrs. Redden's class at Montgomery Catholic at "Cookies with Kindergarten."
The students were encouraged to explore the classroom, play in the interactive stations, climb into the reading lofts, and get familiar with the classroom computers. Parent anxieties about the first day of school were also eased as they met new friends and saw how excited the children were in their new setting.
Pictured: Kindergarten student Luke Shatzer enjoys getting familiar with the computer in Mrs. Redden's class at Montgomery Catholic at "Cookies with Kindergarten."
Catholic's Terino Captures Title at Montevallo Early Bird Classic
MONTEVALLO, Ala. - Katherine Terino became the second runner in as many races for the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Knights to capture an individual title this week, as she crossed the line first at the Montevallo Early Bird Classic Saturday.
Terino outran 148 other runners to the finish line, crossing the line in a time of 21:21.80; almost a full second ahead of runner-up Jordan Richmond of Holy Spirit. The finish was the second consecutive top-two finish for Terino as she finished second at the Capital City Conference Opening Meet on Thursday.
On the boy's side, Jarrett Mason finished sixth overall out of 219 runners with a time of 17:51.38, finishing 18 seconds out of first place. Tucker Wilkinson narrowly missed finishing in the top 50, crossing the line 53rd in a time of 20:32.72.
Meanwhile, in the middle school division, Katie Lawrence finished 40th overall on the girl's side in a time of 16:39.67. On the boy's side, James Sadie led a trio of Knights in the top 50 as he finished 29th overall with a time of 12:28.52. He finished just ahead of teammate Patrick Gregorius in a time of 12:31.59.
Catholic's Josh Davis rounded out the trio with a time of 12:59.41 and a 44th place finish.
Terino outran 148 other runners to the finish line, crossing the line in a time of 21:21.80; almost a full second ahead of runner-up Jordan Richmond of Holy Spirit. The finish was the second consecutive top-two finish for Terino as she finished second at the Capital City Conference Opening Meet on Thursday.
On the boy's side, Jarrett Mason finished sixth overall out of 219 runners with a time of 17:51.38, finishing 18 seconds out of first place. Tucker Wilkinson narrowly missed finishing in the top 50, crossing the line 53rd in a time of 20:32.72.
Meanwhile, in the middle school division, Katie Lawrence finished 40th overall on the girl's side in a time of 16:39.67. On the boy's side, James Sadie led a trio of Knights in the top 50 as he finished 29th overall with a time of 12:28.52. He finished just ahead of teammate Patrick Gregorius in a time of 12:31.59.
Catholic's Josh Davis rounded out the trio with a time of 12:59.41 and a 44th place finish.
Knights Charge at Capital City Conference Kick Off Classic
The Montgomery area High School Cross Country Season had its official start Thursday at Montgomery Academy. The Racing Knights performed well as individuals, but came up short in the team competition.
In the Boys Varsity, junior Jarrett Mason executed a brilliant race plan and bested the finest field that ever ran at the venue. Mason let other runners dictate a fast early pace as the course circled the MA track and plunged onto the grass separating the baseball and softball fields. As the runners negotiated the hill behind the baseball field, Jarrett steadily climbed through the pack. When the pack hit the mile mark in under six minutes, Jarrett hit the accelerator and surged into the lead at the halfway point. He continued to add to his lead throughout most of the rest of the race. Meanwhile, sophomore Matt Pouncey also had been skirting his way through the pack. As the leaders turned for home and stepped onto the soccer infield for the final yards, Mason maintained his advantage all the way to the tape and the victory. Pouncey unleashed a devastating final kick and surged away from his closest pursuers to claim second place. Freshman Tucker Wilkinson grabbed 15th in a personal best time. Middle school students Patrick Gregorius, James Sadie, and Josh Davis rounded out the scoring for the Knights.
Jarret set a new course record by 15 seconds with his 11:06 finishing time. Matt was right behind in 11:07 as the first four runners all bested the old mark. Tucker’s 12:29 would have placed 10th last year.
For the Girls Varsity, a very fast competitive race was expected and the athletes delivered. Junior Katherine Terino led all the Lady Knights with her second place finish. She chased Taylor Gerard, the winner from MA, but could not close the gap in the last half mile of the two-mile race. Gerard broke the course record, but Terino established a new personal best over the course. Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin finished 16th in 14:41. Seventh grader Katie Lawrence shaved 20 seconds off her previous best by clocking 18:27. Tara Bourke, in her first race, out sprinted an opponent from BTW Magnet in 22:02.
MA claimed both team titles, scoring a perfect 15 to win the girls meet. The Catholic Boys claimed third behind MA and LAMP.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Boys Cross Country team members Skip Martin, Tucker Wilkinson, Jarrett Mason, James Sadie, Matt Pouncey, Josh Davis, and Patrick Gregorius at the Capital City Classic meet.
In the Boys Varsity, junior Jarrett Mason executed a brilliant race plan and bested the finest field that ever ran at the venue. Mason let other runners dictate a fast early pace as the course circled the MA track and plunged onto the grass separating the baseball and softball fields. As the runners negotiated the hill behind the baseball field, Jarrett steadily climbed through the pack. When the pack hit the mile mark in under six minutes, Jarrett hit the accelerator and surged into the lead at the halfway point. He continued to add to his lead throughout most of the rest of the race. Meanwhile, sophomore Matt Pouncey also had been skirting his way through the pack. As the leaders turned for home and stepped onto the soccer infield for the final yards, Mason maintained his advantage all the way to the tape and the victory. Pouncey unleashed a devastating final kick and surged away from his closest pursuers to claim second place. Freshman Tucker Wilkinson grabbed 15th in a personal best time. Middle school students Patrick Gregorius, James Sadie, and Josh Davis rounded out the scoring for the Knights.
Jarret set a new course record by 15 seconds with his 11:06 finishing time. Matt was right behind in 11:07 as the first four runners all bested the old mark. Tucker’s 12:29 would have placed 10th last year.
For the Girls Varsity, a very fast competitive race was expected and the athletes delivered. Junior Katherine Terino led all the Lady Knights with her second place finish. She chased Taylor Gerard, the winner from MA, but could not close the gap in the last half mile of the two-mile race. Gerard broke the course record, but Terino established a new personal best over the course. Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin finished 16th in 14:41. Seventh grader Katie Lawrence shaved 20 seconds off her previous best by clocking 18:27. Tara Bourke, in her first race, out sprinted an opponent from BTW Magnet in 22:02.
MA claimed both team titles, scoring a perfect 15 to win the girls meet. The Catholic Boys claimed third behind MA and LAMP.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Boys Cross Country team members Skip Martin, Tucker Wilkinson, Jarrett Mason, James Sadie, Matt Pouncey, Josh Davis, and Patrick Gregorius at the Capital City Classic meet.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Runners Make a Splash at Oak Mountain Invitational
Heardmont Park, Birmingham--Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Cross Country team posted some hot times on a challenging course at the 2011 Oak Mountain Invitational Meet. The Racing Knights lined up against some of the best teams in Alabama and produced some great individual performances. Catholic did not compete for team honors because the runners were distributed across the Varsity and Middle School divisions. The course was full of hills, a rocky trail, and required every runner to negotiate fording a creek at least once.
In the Girls Varsity 5000m race, junior Katherine Terino led all Montgomery area athletes and all small school participants by finishing seventh in 21:57. Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin was 41st in 23:46 and senior Kenslie McOmber finished in 29:47.
In the Boys Varsity, junior Jarrett Mason finished 18th in a sparkling 18:12. He also led all small school and Montgomery area runners with his performance. Sophomore Matt Pouncey was right behind in 18:29 and garnered 22nd place. Freshman Tucker Wilkinson finished in 22:40.
The Middle School races witnessed the debut of many new athletes for the Racing Knights. Eight grader Patrick Gregorius, in his second season of cross country, used his experience to his benefit and led all the MS Knights by finishing 47th in 13:37 for the 3200m course. Seventh graders James Sadie and Josh Davis, competing for the first time in the Blue and Gold, completed the circuit in 13:52 and 14:45, respectively.
For the Middle School Girls, seventh grader Katie Lawrence in her first race ran 18:47 for the almost two mile long race.
The Racing Knights compete twice in the next week. On Thursday, they will be at Montgomery Academy for the Capital City Conference Kick-Off Meet and then they will travel to the University of Montevallo for the Early Bird Classic on Saturday.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Cross Country runner Matt Pouncey splashes through the course at Oak Mountain Invitational.
In the Girls Varsity 5000m race, junior Katherine Terino led all Montgomery area athletes and all small school participants by finishing seventh in 21:57. Sophomore MacKenzie Colvin was 41st in 23:46 and senior Kenslie McOmber finished in 29:47.
In the Boys Varsity, junior Jarrett Mason finished 18th in a sparkling 18:12. He also led all small school and Montgomery area runners with his performance. Sophomore Matt Pouncey was right behind in 18:29 and garnered 22nd place. Freshman Tucker Wilkinson finished in 22:40.
The Middle School races witnessed the debut of many new athletes for the Racing Knights. Eight grader Patrick Gregorius, in his second season of cross country, used his experience to his benefit and led all the MS Knights by finishing 47th in 13:37 for the 3200m course. Seventh graders James Sadie and Josh Davis, competing for the first time in the Blue and Gold, completed the circuit in 13:52 and 14:45, respectively.
For the Middle School Girls, seventh grader Katie Lawrence in her first race ran 18:47 for the almost two mile long race.
The Racing Knights compete twice in the next week. On Thursday, they will be at Montgomery Academy for the Capital City Conference Kick-Off Meet and then they will travel to the University of Montevallo for the Early Bird Classic on Saturday.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Cross Country runner Matt Pouncey splashes through the course at Oak Mountain Invitational.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Students Raise Funds & Awareness for Children's Hospital
Montgomery Catholic students Ashleigh Little and Jasmine Rush recently participated in a fundraising event for Children's Hospital. The event was held at participating Dairy Queen restaurants where $1 from each Blizzard sold at Dairy Queen was given to Children's Hospital. Ashleigh and Jasmine helped collect cash donations from customers from 11am until 1 pm. Ashleigh, a seventh grader, was a patient at Children's Hospital in Birmingham following a back surgery this summer and Jasmine, a sophomore, is an active member member of Catholic's Key Club. Children's Hospital of Alabama is celebrating 100 years of caring for children.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic students Ashleigh Little and Jasmine Rush pose with a child of Children's at a recent event at Dairy Queen's Montgomery location for Children's Hospital of Alabama.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic students Ashleigh Little and Jasmine Rush pose with a child of Children's at a recent event at Dairy Queen's Montgomery location for Children's Hospital of Alabama.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
11th Annual Partners In Catholic Education Golf Tournament tees off September 30
Partners In Catholic Education (PICE) will host its 11th annual charity golf tournament on the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at Capitol Hill in Prattville on September 30, 2011.
Sponsorship packages are available from $250 to $5,000. These packages offer great promotional opportunities for businesses in the form of pre- and post-event publicity, event banners, golf tee signage, golf cart logos, as well as players in the tournament.
The registration fee is $150 per player. Entry fee is $600 per foursome. Registration and lunch will begin at 11:00 a.m. and the shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. on both the Senator and Legislative courses. Format will be best ball. The registration fee includes lunch, green fees, cart, range balls, gift bags for each player, golf shirt, refreshments on the course, post-tournament food and beverages, and many door prizes. Additionally, all par-three holes will have a prize, plus four Hole-In-Ones consisting of a new Hyundai Sonata or $30,000 cash prize for a car. There will be a $5,000 putting contest between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The top three net and gross teams will receive superb prizes.
For more information about sponsorships or playing, contact Liz Sutton at 334-260-2488, ext 1311, Mary Kelley at 334-272-7221, ext 32, or Jerry Lopez at 334-224-6607. Information can also be found by visiting
Mark your calendar for this premier event that will be a great day of fun while benefiting Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School.
Sponsorship packages are available from $250 to $5,000. These packages offer great promotional opportunities for businesses in the form of pre- and post-event publicity, event banners, golf tee signage, golf cart logos, as well as players in the tournament.
The registration fee is $150 per player. Entry fee is $600 per foursome. Registration and lunch will begin at 11:00 a.m. and the shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. on both the Senator and Legislative courses. Format will be best ball. The registration fee includes lunch, green fees, cart, range balls, gift bags for each player, golf shirt, refreshments on the course, post-tournament food and beverages, and many door prizes. Additionally, all par-three holes will have a prize, plus four Hole-In-Ones consisting of a new Hyundai Sonata or $30,000 cash prize for a car. There will be a $5,000 putting contest between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The top three net and gross teams will receive superb prizes.
For more information about sponsorships or playing, contact Liz Sutton at 334-260-2488, ext 1311, Mary Kelley at 334-272-7221, ext 32, or Jerry Lopez at 334-224-6607. Information can also be found by visiting
Mark your calendar for this premier event that will be a great day of fun while benefiting Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School.
Church of the Holy Spirit and Montgomery Catholic Break Ground on New Educational Complex
Church of the Holy Spirit in Montgomery broke ground on a new Educational Complex on Saturday, July 16, at their Vaughn Road location. Most Reverend Thomas Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile, officially blessed the ground and turned the dirt with several members of the church and community. As part of the ceremony, Archbishop Rodi, the project architect Rory McKean, Billy Williams from JESCO, and Monsignor Charles Troncale signed all of the official documents for construction to begin.
Phase One of the Master Site Plan will include a 26,000 square foot two-story building equipped with 16 classrooms, administrative office spaces, as well as the infrastructure for the necessary roadways, parking, landscaping, and the foundational pad for a future gymnasium. Construction has already begun on the project.
"On behalf of all of those who will benefit from our new facilities, I express my sincere thanks to all who have made this possible," said Monsignor Charles Troncale, pastor of the Church of the Holy Spirit.
In addition to providing the much needed Religious Education classroom space for the church, the new facility will also allow Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School to open a "Holy Spirit Campus" serving Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade students. The new campus will open for the 2012-2013 school year. For more information about the school, contact Mary Kelley at (334) 272-7221, extension 32.
To see photos from the ground breaking ceremony, click here.
To watch a video from the event created by Holy Spirit parishioner and Montgomery Catholic class of 1999 graduate Kristen Ryan, click here.
Pictured: Archbishop Thomas Rodi, center, smiles with officials from Church of the Holy Spirit following the contract signing at the new Educational Complex ground breaking ceremony. Pictured from left to right: seated architect Rory McKean, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Billy Williams from JESCO. standing: Options Committee Chairman Nap Barranco, Building in the Spirit Committee Chairwoman Barb Rosser, Holy Spirit Deacon Steve Hellman, future pastor Father Patrick Driscoll, current pastor Monsignor Charles Troncale, Finance Council Chairman Paul McTear, Holy Spirit Deacon Gene Wadas, Pastoral Council Chairman Mark Schultz, and past Pastoral Council Chairman John Jacobs.
Phase One of the Master Site Plan will include a 26,000 square foot two-story building equipped with 16 classrooms, administrative office spaces, as well as the infrastructure for the necessary roadways, parking, landscaping, and the foundational pad for a future gymnasium. Construction has already begun on the project.
"On behalf of all of those who will benefit from our new facilities, I express my sincere thanks to all who have made this possible," said Monsignor Charles Troncale, pastor of the Church of the Holy Spirit.
In addition to providing the much needed Religious Education classroom space for the church, the new facility will also allow Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School to open a "Holy Spirit Campus" serving Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade students. The new campus will open for the 2012-2013 school year. For more information about the school, contact Mary Kelley at (334) 272-7221, extension 32.
To see photos from the ground breaking ceremony, click here.
To watch a video from the event created by Holy Spirit parishioner and Montgomery Catholic class of 1999 graduate Kristen Ryan, click here.
Pictured: Archbishop Thomas Rodi, center, smiles with officials from Church of the Holy Spirit following the contract signing at the new Educational Complex ground breaking ceremony. Pictured from left to right: seated architect Rory McKean, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Billy Williams from JESCO. standing: Options Committee Chairman Nap Barranco, Building in the Spirit Committee Chairwoman Barb Rosser, Holy Spirit Deacon Steve Hellman, future pastor Father Patrick Driscoll, current pastor Monsignor Charles Troncale, Finance Council Chairman Paul McTear, Holy Spirit Deacon Gene Wadas, Pastoral Council Chairman Mark Schultz, and past Pastoral Council Chairman John Jacobs.
Catholic's Stinson Claims Victory at SGJT Wylakes Classic
Montgomery Catholic golfer Jacob Stinson finished atop the leader board at the Southeastern Junior Golf Tour (SJGT) Wynlakes Classic this weekend in Montgomery. The victory qualifies Stinson for an event on the national level (AJGO tour) this season.
Stinson beat 76 of the best golfers from around the Southeast by shooting a 3-under 69 on Saturday. He followed that with a 1-over par 73 on Sunday to claim the title by two strokes.
Stinson beat 76 of the best golfers from around the Southeast by shooting a 3-under 69 on Saturday. He followed that with a 1-over par 73 on Sunday to claim the title by two strokes.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Names Anna Lee Ingalls as Director of Development
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School has named Anna Lee Ingalls as the school’s new Director of Development effective August 15. Ingalls will oversee all fundraising and advancement activities of the K-12 school.
“The search committee was grateful for our strong pool of applicants. After prayerful consideration, we felt that Anna Lee was the right person for the task,” said Anne Ceasar, president of Montgomery Catholic. “Ms. Ingalls is a faith-filled woman who brings a wealth of experience to this job. I believe that she will lead our school’s development program while furthering the mission of Montgomery Catholic.
“We have a tremendous history beginning in 1873 with the founding of our school by the Sisters of Loretto in downtown Montgomery. Anna Lee will be key to helping us tell our story while leading us into the future,” said Ceasar.
Ingalls joins Montgomery Catholic from the Family Sunshine Center where she has served as the Development Director for the past nine years.
“It is an exciting opportunity and a great honor to come on board with Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School. Catholic education has a long and rich history of excellence so I could not be more pleased to be a part of that Christ-centered tradition here in Montgomery. I cannot wait to get to work with the Montgomery Catholic team in developing great things for the future,” said Ingalls.
Ingalls is an active member of Church of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Montgomery.
“The search committee was grateful for our strong pool of applicants. After prayerful consideration, we felt that Anna Lee was the right person for the task,” said Anne Ceasar, president of Montgomery Catholic. “Ms. Ingalls is a faith-filled woman who brings a wealth of experience to this job. I believe that she will lead our school’s development program while furthering the mission of Montgomery Catholic.
“We have a tremendous history beginning in 1873 with the founding of our school by the Sisters of Loretto in downtown Montgomery. Anna Lee will be key to helping us tell our story while leading us into the future,” said Ceasar.
Ingalls joins Montgomery Catholic from the Family Sunshine Center where she has served as the Development Director for the past nine years.
“It is an exciting opportunity and a great honor to come on board with Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School. Catholic education has a long and rich history of excellence so I could not be more pleased to be a part of that Christ-centered tradition here in Montgomery. I cannot wait to get to work with the Montgomery Catholic team in developing great things for the future,” said Ingalls.
Ingalls is an active member of Church of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Montgomery.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Names Travis Jarome as Athletic Director
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School has named Travis Jarome as the school’s new athletic director effective August 1. Jarome will oversee all middle and high school athletic programs.
“Our selection committee was very impressed with the strong group of applicants we had for the athletic director position,” said Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic.
“After much prayer and deliberation, we feel that Travis brings a unique skill set to this job and we are excited to have him join our community.”
“From his experiences as a coach, to his work with the media at the collegiate level and his education background, Travis will be a great fit for Montgomery Catholic,” said Ceasar.
Jarome comes to Montgomery Catholic from Troy University, where he has served as assistant director for media relations for the past four years.
"I am honored and humbled at the opportunity that Anne Ceasar and the selection committee have afforded me to lead the athletic department at Montgomery Catholic. The school has a long and storied history, and I look forward to building another chapter in athletics," said Jarome.
"I have had an opportunity to learn from some of the best administrators and coaches from around the city and in the nation during my time in high school and college athletics. I will draw from those experiences and use them to lead the Catholic athletic department, using the foundation that my predecessors put in place. My family and I look forward to being a part of the Montgomery Catholic community."
Jarome holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Auburn University Montgomery and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Sports Management from Troy University. Prior to his time at Troy University, Jarome has served as the sports information director at Auburn University Montgomery and North Georgia College and State University.
Jarome succeeds Jim Tolbert, who recently resigned to join the staff of the Alabama High School Athletic Association.
“Our selection committee was very impressed with the strong group of applicants we had for the athletic director position,” said Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic.
“After much prayer and deliberation, we feel that Travis brings a unique skill set to this job and we are excited to have him join our community.”
“From his experiences as a coach, to his work with the media at the collegiate level and his education background, Travis will be a great fit for Montgomery Catholic,” said Ceasar.
Jarome comes to Montgomery Catholic from Troy University, where he has served as assistant director for media relations for the past four years.
"I am honored and humbled at the opportunity that Anne Ceasar and the selection committee have afforded me to lead the athletic department at Montgomery Catholic. The school has a long and storied history, and I look forward to building another chapter in athletics," said Jarome.
"I have had an opportunity to learn from some of the best administrators and coaches from around the city and in the nation during my time in high school and college athletics. I will draw from those experiences and use them to lead the Catholic athletic department, using the foundation that my predecessors put in place. My family and I look forward to being a part of the Montgomery Catholic community."
Jarome holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Auburn University Montgomery and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Sports Management from Troy University. Prior to his time at Troy University, Jarome has served as the sports information director at Auburn University Montgomery and North Georgia College and State University.
Jarome succeeds Jim Tolbert, who recently resigned to join the staff of the Alabama High School Athletic Association.
Friday, July 08, 2011
Catholic Welcomes New Baseball Coaching Staff
The future of the Montgomery Catholic baseball program has been placed in the able hands of new head coach Brad Parker and two new assistant coaches.
Spigner, who played collegiately atTroy University , is a successful longtime coach in city baseball leagues in Montgomery . Henderson, a native of Oxford , was a first baseman-DH for the Crimson Tide from 2004-2009. He will also teach high school history and assist in the basketball program.
The staff has already met to begin rebuilding the Knights’ baseball program. A team meeting with players is scheduled for July 18 in the Pope John Paul II Field House.
Parker, a 2004 Montgomery Catholic graduate and an assistant coach for the Knights last season, will be joined on the staff by Barcy Spigner, who will serve as assistant head coach, and by former University of Alabama baseball player Wes Henderson.
“I’ve been a part of the Catholic community for a long time, as a player and as a coach, and I am grateful for this opportunity,” Parker said.
“I want to bring excitement back into the program. Our coaching staff is ready to hit the ground running with Barcy and Wes who bring a wealth of baseball knowledge, experience, and love for game.
“We have a great group of kids with a lot of potential and I look forward to working with these young men in building a strong, competitive baseball program,” he said.
Parker is a 2010 graduate of the University of Alabama with a degree in Kinesiology. While at Alabama , he spent considerable time working with Crimson Tide athletes in their strength and conditioning program.
In addition to leading the baseball program, he will continue to serve as an assistant coach in the Montgomery Catholic football program and will also work daily with the school’s overall strength and conditioning program during the athletic physical education period.
“I am thrilled with this new baseball coaching staff,” said Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic. “They bring many rich and varied experiences to the program.
“I believe that under the leadership of Coach Parker, Coach Spigner and Coach Henderson, Montgomery Catholic baseball will steadily improve to a higher level.”
Spigner, who played collegiately at
The staff has already met to begin rebuilding the Knights’ baseball program. A team meeting with players is scheduled for July 18 in the Pope John Paul II Field House.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Holy Spirit Education Complex Groundbreaking Ceremony July 16
Please join us for the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Holy Spirit Education Complex on Saturday, July 16 at 12:00 noon at Church of the Holy Spirit. A reception will immediatly follow the ceremony in the parish hall.
Everyone is invited to participate in the ceremony, so be sure to bring your shovel! Church of the Holy Spirit is located at 8570 Vaughn Road.
Everyone is invited to participate in the ceremony, so be sure to bring your shovel! Church of the Holy Spirit is located at 8570 Vaughn Road.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Tolbert Leaving Montgomery Catholic
Jim Tolbert, athletic director at Montgomery Catholic for the past five years, has resigned to take another position in athletic administration. Tolbert’s resignation is effective June 30.
“Leaving Montgomery Catholic is bittersweet,” Tolbert said. “God truly blessed me with the opportunity to work at Montgomery Catholic and be a part of the wonderful Christian family environment. Leading the athletic program and working with student-athletes and their families has been extremely rewarding, and certainly made my decision to leave very difficult.
“But, the new job opportunity will allow me to continue to have a positive impact on the lives of even more student-athletes and their families, and it is one I cannot pass up,” he said.
Montgomery Catholic President Anne Ceasar said Tolbert will be missed.
“I wish Jim much happiness and success in his new position,” said Ceasar. “He is a professional in every sense of the word and has helped lead Montgomery Catholic to a new level in athletics.”
During Tolbert’s tenure as athletic director, Montgomery Catholic established its varsity wrestling program and added other sports teams, such as junior varsity softball, and middle school and junior varsity soccer. More than two-thirds of the students in grades 7-12 at Montgomery Catholic participate in at least one sport.
“It’s hard to put into words how much I have enjoyed being at Montgomery Catholic. I so appreciate the many people who have supported Catholic’s athletic department. It has been a tremendous experience.”
The search for a new athletic director has begun with the appointment of a five-person search committee. Applications for the position will be open from June 10 until June 23, with a goal of having a new athletic director in place by August 1.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Hosts Petanque Tournament; Davis and Starr Champs
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's French Club sponsored their bi-annual Petanque Tournament. This three-day event drew multiple teams, including several faculty members, in several close matches. Spring 2011 champions were Gerald Davis and Jack Starr who narrowly defeated Sterling Hebert and Alex Castanza, who were the runners-up. Petanque, a game closely resembling the Italian game of Bocce, is played in southern France with almost as much intensity as was evidenced in Montgomery Catholic's high school courtyard! Montgomery Catholic also held a intra-school competition with students from Montgomery Academy. Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Petanque champions Gerald Davis and Jack Starr.
Montgomery Catholic Concert Band Showcases Talent at Spring Concert
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Concert Bands recently showcased their talents at their annual Spring Concert held in the Dolly Barranco Activity Center. Members of the Beginning, Advanced, and Concert Bands all performed numerous selections. The event was emceed by Mrs. Ruth Glenboski.
The evening started with the Beginning Band members who played Marche Militaire by Franz Schubert, Dancin' on the Bayou by Ralph Ford, and Dragon Slayer by Rob Grice. The Beginning Band section members are flute: Audrey Kim, Amber Williams, Alejandra Vasquez, and Ansley Rohde; trumpet: James Sadie, Tristian Parish, Ledarianne Moore, and Ansley Taylor; clarinet: Ashleigh Little, Denise Jaimes, Ashley Donohue, Madison Bednarz, and Iyana Tate; low brass: Adam Bristol, David Bender, and Michelle Warrick; saxophone: Kenneth Bell and Nathan Smith; and in the percussion section: Briana Chavez, Francisco Gonzalez, and Skye Alexander.
The Advanced Band member played Mountains of Mohon by Sean O'Loughlin, As Winds Dance by Samuel Hazo, Shackelford Banks by Jay Bocook, and Groovee! by Richard Saucedo. The Advanced Band section members are flute: Elizabeth Overton, Ashley Kim, Peter Nguyen, Jennifer Doan, and Nia Averett; clarinet: Mary Reagan Starrett, Logan Stevens, Beth Vaughan, Brian Lee, Kaitlyn Kornosky, and Joshua Seals; saxophone: Mandy Jones, Drew Edwards, and Brian Brunson; trumpet: Patrick Wood, Gavin Gaines, and Jacob Atchley; French horn: William Russell and Caroline Mullikin; trombone: Jonathan Miller and Katie McDaniel; tuba: Lorie Moody; and percussion: Eric Crenshaw, McGowin Moore, Delohn Wyatt, and Joseph Thrash.
The Concert Band members played The Cluster Fluster Bluster March and Prairie Dances by David Holsinger, Whispers by Sandy Feldstien and Larry Clark, Concerto for Faculty and Band by James Ployhar featuring the musical talents of special guest soloists our school administration: school president Anne Ceasar, St. Bede Principal Laurie Gulley, Middle School Principal Maria Nolen, and High School Principal Fran Taylor, and The Great Locomotive Chase by Robert W. Smith.
Concert guests enjoyed a reception immediately following the performances and were entertained by the Montgomery Catholic Jazz Band.
The evening started with the Beginning Band members who played Marche Militaire by Franz Schubert, Dancin' on the Bayou by Ralph Ford, and Dragon Slayer by Rob Grice. The Beginning Band section members are flute: Audrey Kim, Amber Williams, Alejandra Vasquez, and Ansley Rohde; trumpet: James Sadie, Tristian Parish, Ledarianne Moore, and Ansley Taylor; clarinet: Ashleigh Little, Denise Jaimes, Ashley Donohue, Madison Bednarz, and Iyana Tate; low brass: Adam Bristol, David Bender, and Michelle Warrick; saxophone: Kenneth Bell and Nathan Smith; and in the percussion section: Briana Chavez, Francisco Gonzalez, and Skye Alexander.
The Advanced Band member played Mountains of Mohon by Sean O'Loughlin, As Winds Dance by Samuel Hazo, Shackelford Banks by Jay Bocook, and Groovee! by Richard Saucedo. The Advanced Band section members are flute: Elizabeth Overton, Ashley Kim, Peter Nguyen, Jennifer Doan, and Nia Averett; clarinet: Mary Reagan Starrett, Logan Stevens, Beth Vaughan, Brian Lee, Kaitlyn Kornosky, and Joshua Seals; saxophone: Mandy Jones, Drew Edwards, and Brian Brunson; trumpet: Patrick Wood, Gavin Gaines, and Jacob Atchley; French horn: William Russell and Caroline Mullikin; trombone: Jonathan Miller and Katie McDaniel; tuba: Lorie Moody; and percussion: Eric Crenshaw, McGowin Moore, Delohn Wyatt, and Joseph Thrash.
The Concert Band members played The Cluster Fluster Bluster March and Prairie Dances by David Holsinger, Whispers by Sandy Feldstien and Larry Clark, Concerto for Faculty and Band by James Ployhar featuring the musical talents of special guest soloists our school administration: school president Anne Ceasar, St. Bede Principal Laurie Gulley, Middle School Principal Maria Nolen, and High School Principal Fran Taylor, and The Great Locomotive Chase by Robert W. Smith.
Concert guests enjoyed a reception immediately following the performances and were entertained by the Montgomery Catholic Jazz Band.
Kindergarten Takes Flight
Students in Mrs. Wilson's Kindergarten class at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School let their kites soar after learning how to craft their own through the monthly family project. An easy summertime craft project, the students and their families created unique kites using ordinary printer paper, which they personalized through decorations and paper color choices. Mrs. Wilson and her students took their kites to the playground to test kite aerodynamics and had a great time!
Montgomery Catholic Concert Band Students Receive Superior Ratings at ABA Competition
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's Concert Band students participated in the Alabama Bandmasters Association's Solo and Ensemble Festival this Spring and received Superior ratings at the competition. The festival is an individual event where students perform either as soloists or as small ensembles and are judged on their performance. Our Middle School Band students who received Superior ratings were Ashley Kim, Caroline Mullikin, Brian Lee, William Russell, Delohn Wyatt, Logan Stevens, and Mary Reagan Starrett. Our High School Band students who received Superior ratings were Joseph Sutton, Justis Davis, Nick Smith, Trey Riggles, Will Brunson, Rebecca Kornosky, and Allison Hermann. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School will host the 2012 festival next Spring.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Hosts First "Free" Physical Exam Day for Students
More than 170 athletes and band members took advantage of Montgomery Catholic’s first "Free" Physical Exam Day on Saturday, May 21.
The process ran smoothly thanks to great planning by Patrick Wood of the Jackson Hospital Foundation and Mark Carpenter, Catholic’s athletic trainer from PT Solutions. Both have extensive experience in planning such events and generously shared their knowledge.
Montgomery Catholic would like to express its appreciation to everyone who worked to help make the event a success:
Dr. Alan Babb
Ashton Babb
Kelly Babb
Ann Berher
Mark Carpenter (PT Solutions)
Diane Castanza
Jill Clark
Mark Cotter
Rhonda Cotter
Dr. Carmelita DeJesus
Dr. Ronaldo DeJesus
Marcia Dixon
T-Michael Dougherty (PT Solutions)
Richard Hulcher
Vickie Hulcher
Alex Johnson
Ken Klinger
Nancy Kocan
Donna LoBello
Katrina Magdon
Dr. Nicholas Manzari
Mark Marus
Thereassa McDaniel
Teresa McLeod
Tara Padilla
Jean Parker
Dr. Jason Randall (So. Orth. Specialists)
Jennifer Rodopolous
Matt Rollan (PT Solutions)
Susan Ryan
Mike Shatzer
Maria Smith
Audra Starrett
Billy Thacker
Andy Tolar
Lisa Tolar
Michael Valdez
Bob Van Alst
Jennie Van Alst
Lesley Wilkinson
Julie Wood
Patrick Wood
John Wyatt
The process ran smoothly thanks to great planning by Patrick Wood of the Jackson Hospital Foundation and Mark Carpenter, Catholic’s athletic trainer from PT Solutions. Both have extensive experience in planning such events and generously shared their knowledge.
Montgomery Catholic would like to express its appreciation to everyone who worked to help make the event a success:
Dr. Alan Babb
Ashton Babb
Kelly Babb
Ann Berher
Mark Carpenter (PT Solutions)
Diane Castanza
Jill Clark
Mark Cotter
Rhonda Cotter
Dr. Carmelita DeJesus
Dr. Ronaldo DeJesus
Marcia Dixon
T-Michael Dougherty (PT Solutions)
Richard Hulcher
Vickie Hulcher
Alex Johnson
Ken Klinger
Nancy Kocan
Donna LoBello
Katrina Magdon
Dr. Nicholas Manzari
Mark Marus
Thereassa McDaniel
Teresa McLeod
Tara Padilla
Jean Parker
Dr. Jason Randall (So. Orth. Specialists)
Jennifer Rodopolous
Matt Rollan (PT Solutions)
Susan Ryan
Mike Shatzer
Maria Smith
Audra Starrett
Billy Thacker
Andy Tolar
Lisa Tolar
Michael Valdez
Bob Van Alst
Jennie Van Alst
Lesley Wilkinson
Julie Wood
Patrick Wood
John Wyatt
Monday, May 23, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Honors Students at Signing Ceremony
Montgomery Catholic recently honored three senior athletes – Kenny Davison, Corey Cotter and Tommy Wujcik – who are going on to play their respective sports on the college level.
The trio was recognized with a school celebration May 16 that included family members, teammates, coaches, teachers, classmates and local media members
Davison, who is Catholic’s all-time leading scorer in boys’ basketball and was the Montgomery Advertiser’s Small School Player of the Year, signed a scholarship with Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech). Florida Tech is an NCAA Division II school located in Melbourne, Fla.
Cotter, who earned all-state honors in three sports – cross county, wrestling and track – for two consecutive years, has been invited by the University of South Alabama to be a member of their cross country and track teams.
Wujcik, who played quarterback for the Knights the past two seasons, has been invited to play football at nearby Huntingdon College, which participates in NCAA’s Division III.
Davison averaged 22.6 points and 7.9 rebounds per game as a senior. He finished his career with 1, 957 points. Catholic teams won 77 games in Davison’s four years on the varsity basketball team, 67 in the last three seasons under Coach Ken Klinger.
“It’s taken hard work to get to this point and it’s going to take more hard work in the future,” said Davison. “Coach Klinger has helped me understand that if you don’t work hard, you’re not going to have success.”
As a senior, Cotter finished fourth in the Class 3A cross country meet last fall, third in the 140-pound division of the Class 3A state wrestling tournament, and he won the 800-meter run at the Class 3A state track meet recently. He also joined Connor Wright, Jarrett Mason and Skip Martin to win the 4x800-meter relay at the state meet. In addition, he finished second in the 1600 and 3200.
“It took awhile after winning state for it all to sink in,” said Cotter. “It’s still sinking in that I’m going to be able to run in college. I just know that I’m going to work harder than I ever have before.”
Wujcik, an excellent athlete with a strong arm and outstanding speed, will bet an opportunity to play quarterback at Huntingdon.
“This means everything to me,” said Wujcik. “I’ve trained and worked for this opportunity, and it’s come together with Coach (Mike) Turk giving me this opportunity to play for his program.”
The trio was recognized with a school celebration May 16 that included family members, teammates, coaches, teachers, classmates and local media members
Davison, who is Catholic’s all-time leading scorer in boys’ basketball and was the Montgomery Advertiser’s Small School Player of the Year, signed a scholarship with Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech). Florida Tech is an NCAA Division II school located in Melbourne, Fla.
Cotter, who earned all-state honors in three sports – cross county, wrestling and track – for two consecutive years, has been invited by the University of South Alabama to be a member of their cross country and track teams.
Wujcik, who played quarterback for the Knights the past two seasons, has been invited to play football at nearby Huntingdon College, which participates in NCAA’s Division III.
Davison averaged 22.6 points and 7.9 rebounds per game as a senior. He finished his career with 1, 957 points. Catholic teams won 77 games in Davison’s four years on the varsity basketball team, 67 in the last three seasons under Coach Ken Klinger.
“It’s taken hard work to get to this point and it’s going to take more hard work in the future,” said Davison. “Coach Klinger has helped me understand that if you don’t work hard, you’re not going to have success.”
As a senior, Cotter finished fourth in the Class 3A cross country meet last fall, third in the 140-pound division of the Class 3A state wrestling tournament, and he won the 800-meter run at the Class 3A state track meet recently. He also joined Connor Wright, Jarrett Mason and Skip Martin to win the 4x800-meter relay at the state meet. In addition, he finished second in the 1600 and 3200.
“It took awhile after winning state for it all to sink in,” said Cotter. “It’s still sinking in that I’m going to be able to run in college. I just know that I’m going to work harder than I ever have before.”
Wujcik, an excellent athlete with a strong arm and outstanding speed, will bet an opportunity to play quarterback at Huntingdon.
“This means everything to me,” said Wujcik. “I’ve trained and worked for this opportunity, and it’s come together with Coach (Mike) Turk giving me this opportunity to play for his program.”
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Middle School Students Honor the Blessed Mother with May Crowning Ceremony
Middle school students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently honored the Blessed Mother's special month of May with a traditional May Crowning ceremony held in front of the Dr. Doyle Building on May 9. Eighth grade students Paige Barranco and Leo Petters were selected as crown bearers by the middle school faculty for this year's ceremony. Faculty members Kerri Moore and Vicki Petters sang beautiful A cappella songs as the seventh and eighth grade student body gathered in front of the school building. The Our Lady of Grace statue used in the annual May Crowning ceremony was donated by Mary Azar and Frances Miaoulis and blessed by Bishop Toolen on April 12, 1945. The statue was centered in front of our original school from 1945 until 1965. The Our Lady of Grace statue was relocated to the front of our Dr. Doyle Middle School Building and rededicated by Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb on September 12, 2004. Pictured: Paige Barranco and Leo Petters served as middle school crown bearers during Montgomery Catholic's May Crowning ceremony.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Jasmine Rush Elected Key Club Lieutenant Governor
Jasmine Rush, a freshman at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, has been elected Lieutenant Governor for Alabama Key Club's Division 11 for the 2011-2012 year.
An active member in her school Key Club, Rush said it has been a wonderful experience so far and is looking forward to volunteering in our community this summer. Organizations seeking volunteers are encouraged to contact Jasmine at
An active member in her school Key Club, Rush said it has been a wonderful experience so far and is looking forward to volunteering in our community this summer. Organizations seeking volunteers are encouraged to contact Jasmine at
Monday, May 02, 2011
Montgomery Catholic Named "Best in State" by Junior Engineering Technical Society
Students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School were awarded the “Best in State” prize in the 32st annual TEAMS high school engineering competition sponsored by the Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS). The team, which took the top 9/10 grade "Best in State" award, worked on solving the global energy “supply and demand” problem highlighted by rising gasoline prices, current events in the Middle East and the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Montgomery Catholic's JETS team is sponsored by Dr. Joe Profio.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's JETS team members (front row) Giselle Sims, Will Brunson, and Stone Miller; (back row) Dylan Craig and Zachary Hulcher. All are sophomores, except for Mr. Brunson who is a freshman.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's JETS team members (front row) Giselle Sims, Will Brunson, and Stone Miller; (back row) Dylan Craig and Zachary Hulcher. All are sophomores, except for Mr. Brunson who is a freshman.
Montgomery Catholic Shines at National Catholic Education Association Conference
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School was well represented at the National Catholic Education Association's (NCEA) annual conference recently held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Montgomery Catholic sent 19 members of our faculty and administration from all three campuses to NCEA, with Lee Anne Barranco and Nick Bourke presenting a seminar on our award-winning Science Olympiad program at the conference. Our Archbishop Thomas Rodi was the celebrant for the closing Mass at the NCEA conference.
Montgomery Catholic's NCEA Delegation: pictured L to R, row 1: St. Bede Principal Laurie Gulley, Middle School English and Latin teacher Kerri Moore, School President Anne Ceasar, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Middle School Math teacher Julie Flowers, High School Principal Fran Taylor, and Sixth grade teacher Nick Bourke. Row 2: Elementary Media Specialist Lee Anne Barranco, First grade teacher Tina Rutland, Fifth grade Shelley Herbek, Middle School Principal Maria Nolen, High School Social Studies teacher Sue Terino, Elementary Technology teacher Ruth Glenboski, High School Theology chairman Tom Riello, Middle/High School Resource teacher Tina Tynan, High School Guidance Counselor Beverly Barnette, Middle School Social Studies teacher Mark McGuire, Fourth grade teacher Kerin Wood, Public Relations/Development Director Mary Kelley (behind the camera), and High School English teacher John Conway (not pictured).
Montgomery Catholic's NCEA Delegation: pictured L to R, row 1: St. Bede Principal Laurie Gulley, Middle School English and Latin teacher Kerri Moore, School President Anne Ceasar, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Middle School Math teacher Julie Flowers, High School Principal Fran Taylor, and Sixth grade teacher Nick Bourke. Row 2: Elementary Media Specialist Lee Anne Barranco, First grade teacher Tina Rutland, Fifth grade Shelley Herbek, Middle School Principal Maria Nolen, High School Social Studies teacher Sue Terino, Elementary Technology teacher Ruth Glenboski, High School Theology chairman Tom Riello, Middle/High School Resource teacher Tina Tynan, High School Guidance Counselor Beverly Barnette, Middle School Social Studies teacher Mark McGuire, Fourth grade teacher Kerin Wood, Public Relations/Development Director Mary Kelley (behind the camera), and High School English teacher John Conway (not pictured).
Monday, April 11, 2011
Catholic's MathCounts Team Receives Silver Status
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School's MathCounts Team has been recognized as a Silver Level MathCounts Program by the MathCounts Foundation. MathCounts is a national enrichment, club and competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement through grassroots involvement in every U.S. state and territory. The MathCounts program inspires excellence, confidence and curiosity in U.S. middle school students through fun and challenging math programs while providing today’s students with the foundation for success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers.
Montgomery Catholic's MathCounts team is one of five schools in the state of Alabama to receive Silver status and the only school in the Montgomery area. Montgomery Catholic's MathCounts team members are Paige Barranco, Ann Faulkner, Chandler Hughes, Mandy Jones, Brian Lee, Josh Merriweather, Leo Petters, Maria Rossi, William Russell, Megan Stembridge, Ashley Sulzby, and Joseph Thrash. The Montgomery Catholic team is sponsored by Dr. Joe Profio, Mrs. Vicki Petters, and Mrs. Julie Flowers.
Montgomery Catholic's MathCounts team is one of five schools in the state of Alabama to receive Silver status and the only school in the Montgomery area. Montgomery Catholic's MathCounts team members are Paige Barranco, Ann Faulkner, Chandler Hughes, Mandy Jones, Brian Lee, Josh Merriweather, Leo Petters, Maria Rossi, William Russell, Megan Stembridge, Ashley Sulzby, and Joseph Thrash. The Montgomery Catholic team is sponsored by Dr. Joe Profio, Mrs. Vicki Petters, and Mrs. Julie Flowers.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Catholic's Miller Clemmons Makes Bicycle Kick in Area Game
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School hosted Montgomery Academy in an area game on Tuesday, March 22, 2011. During the first half of the game, #3 Miller Clemmons, a junior, made an awesome bicycle kick for goal and then did a back flip at midfield. The Knights defeated Montgomery Academy 3-2 in double over-time. Go Knights!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Senior Anisa Britt Breaks School Strike-Out Record
Montgomery Catholic varsity softball pitcher Anisa Britt broke the school strike-out record at the Gulf Shores Invitational Tournament during Spring Break. Anisa was honored during a special ceremony and presented with a commemorative softball marking the occasion before hosting St. James on Tuesday, March 22.
Britt struck out eight batters and allowed only four hits during the 6-2 win over the Trojans, bringing Anisa's and the present school strike-out record to 551. Anisa is the first softball player at Montgomery Catholic to sign with an NCAA Division-I program and will join the Alabama A&M University team in the fall.
Montgomery Catholic's previous softball strike-out record of 542 was held by Abigail Beesley, Class of 2007.
Montgomery Catholic's previous softball strike-out record of 542 was held by Abigail Beesley, Class of 2007.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Varsity Softball Coach Britt Taylor with the infield players after presenting a commemorative softball to pitcher Anisa Britt. Coach Taylor, Lauren Walker (3rd base), Sydney O'Connor (short stop), Anisa Britt (pitcher), Rhyan Duffey (catcher), Kirstin Wood (2nd base), and Hadley Taylor (1st base).
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